
For over fifteen years, Plavno has been providing top-notch full-cycle software development to companies that want to solve complex problems and boost their efficiency. Today, we’re celebrating a fantastic honor that our clients’ support and trust helped unlock.

It is with great pride that we announce that Plavno was recently named as one of Germany’s best recommended and reviewed service providers during the first-ever The Manifest Company Awards! According to the platform’s esteemed report, our team is a highly reliable partner for various categories of web development and mobile app development this 2022!

This is an incredible award! Looking back at how our humble journey started back in 2007, we can’t help but feel extremely grateful for every opportunity our clients welcomed for us. Partnerships require trust and collaboration from both ends. Needless to say, we wouldn’t be the company that we are today if it weren’t for our beloved partners.

To give this award more context, The Manifest is a business news and how-to site that encompasses the information technology, marketing, and business services spaces. The site’s inaugural company awards spotlight the remarkable bonds shared by service providers and their respective clients. The awardees are chosen based on the highest number of stellar ratings and testimonials they’ve earned over the last twelve months. 

We are genuinely grateful for every single one of our clients who believed in us even through the most challenging times. The entire Plavno team is thankful for your trust.

Ready to create a unique experience with Plavno? Let's get in touch today and start a project together. We can’t wait to explore endless possibilities with you. 

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Vitaly Kovalev

Vitaly Kovalev

Sales Manager

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