
IT solutions are being adopted in practically every area of our lives, enhancing our comfort and boosting business. While some of them are universal and easy to implement, such as IT services RFP others require profound expertise in the specific field, a personalized product approach, and unconventional thinking.

Our four totally different cases prove that there is no problem that can’t be solved by PLAVNO’s professionals. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Project 1: Easy form-generation platform for US citizens: no more paperwork hassles


Every citizen needs certain documents to travel, book hotels, get medical treatment, etc. For example, a passport, an insurance card, and a birth certificate are basic papers everybody should have. In order to get such papers for the first time or restore them if they’re lost, people have to fill out a lot of forms on special websites. This process can be quite exhausting.

And the solution has been found: a special engine that aggregates these forms and templates to create a standard request for getting or restoring a particular document. The only thing users have to do is fill out the necessary data once. And the result? They get a ready appeal form that they can send to third-party services.

What Is So Special About This Project?

One of the features of this project is that user data is collected and stored. It means that if someone has filled out some data, there is no need to do it again for other forms. It significantly speeds up the whole process of getting or restoring documents, as you don’t have to input the same information several times.

How Long Did It Take to Develop the Platform?

This service is rather new (but built on the basis of an older version), extensive, and technologically complex. Its development has taken 1.5 years and still continues: new types of forms that users can fill out are appearing on a regular basis.

Which Technologies Did We Use?

The technologies behind the project include the following:

  • React for front-end development.
  • The request generation engine creates JSON files containing all the necessary data. The UI is interactive, and users see how many forms have already been filled out, how many are still left, and the percentage of the filled data.
  • Phoenix Framework for processing JSON files.
  • In order to deal with many requests, AWS infrastructure was used. Servers for the service are located on a geographical basis to meet the legislative requirements of different states.
  • The complex algorithm for user identification needs a login, a password, and personal data. This service can be used to sign in on other websites, for example, to get a loan.

Project 2: Making Sure Equipment Is in Tip-Top Shape


This project, which was developed as SaaS for equipment producers, is already three years old — and its fifth version is on the way. The app allows monitoring the condition of equipment like refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TVs, cookers, ice generators, and so on. The producers just register the serial numbers of their devices in the app and call a maintenance crew when necessary. Besides that, all the documentation and FAQ for the equipment can be found through simple scanning of QR codes.

What Is So Special About This Project?

The integration between the service and equipment can be even deeper–there is an in-built algorithm in the app that can read data from the devices. For example, it can read the wear level of filters, the total time of functioning, and so on. This allows the equipment producers to collect technical data in a centralized way, which leads to cost reduction. Such comprehensive monitoring is also beneficial for the buyer, as it helps to avoid costly repairs thanks to timely maintenance.

One major difficulty that the team faced during the development process included the need to create a universal service bus for data exchange between different devices. To implement this solution, data from technologically different objects had to be collected within a single telemetric interface. One more challenge that the developers are facing is to certify this protocol not only for US-based producers but for the whole world.

The project consists of three big parts: the mobile app, data server, and infrastructure for message delivery within IoT protocol. They were developed based on the following technologies.

  • Hive MQ
  • MQTT
  • JavaScript
  • React

A tidbit of awesomeness

The project became so popular that even tech giants like General Electric are waiting for the final version of the service, so they can use it in their business processes.

Project 3: HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Portal


This project is an online platform designed to connect patients and doctors with the help of WebRTC technology. It includes online phone calls, online appointment scheduling, and a CRM for clinics (both private and public). Clinics just have to buy and install the CRM and start the online activity. It is that simple.

One special module in the app allows the organizing of a doctor’s visit to the patient’s place. The system chooses an available specialist by their area of expertise. And the data that the app stores can be looked through online by different specialists, as every patient has a personal medical profile.

The features that will be soon implemented include the opportunity to cross-analyze related diseases (for example, diabetes and cardiovascular issues) and the collaboration of clinics with laboratories for getting data on different types of tests that patients take.

What Challenges Did We Overcome?

One of the main issues with medical data (as with any kind of personal data) is connected with its safety. The developer team adapted the project for a dentist’s office located in Dubai that needed both specific and general modules. The general ones store personal data like dental images and information concerning what treatment the patient went through.

This information is filled in by different specialists, which makes safety issues of the utmost importance. In order to enter the market, it was necessary to comply with all these safety requirements. It was also necessary to get HIPAA compliance to guarantee that the data is used only within this “safety” environment and is enough to identify a client. Meeting the GDPR requirements was also a must. Besides that, all the modules needed a big integration pool, like integration with equipment.

Legislations of different countries have different requirements for data storage. That’s why records of video communication on the platform are stored on the server; supervisors can get access to it if some controversial situation occurs.

Which Technologies Did We Use?

This big project has been developed for five years already, and the following technologies have been used.

  • Kurento signal server, which automatically scales the resources and avoids overloads when the number of requests is growing.
  • Node JS
  • WebRTC
  • PHP
  • React
  • Android SDK
  • Kotlin
  • AWS
  • API-based customization

Tidbits of awesomeness:

  • One of the representatives of the International Department of Health demonstrated their interest in the app. The negotiations are on pause right now, but might restart in the future.
  • This project will be presented by PLAVNO’s team during the start-up camp in Kazakhstan.

Project 4: A Huge, User-Generated Content Marketplace


This marketplace allows shoppers to purchase user-generated content for movies or videos. This content includes musical pieces, templates for shows or reports, etc. The database is already huge, and the number of search facets is constantly growing. This service is also integrated with different apps created by Adobe.

What Challenges Did We Overcome?

The main difficulty with project implementation was caused by the volume of the generated content. There are a large number of users who generate it in real-time, which overloads the project. Therefore, it needs constant monitoring, which accounts for 30 to 40 percent of all costs.

Which Technologies Did We Use?

The marketplace was developed with the following technologies.

  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • React
  • Vue JS
  • AWS
  • Elastic Search
  • Apache Soir
  • Python


These projects are just a few examples of what can be done with technology to make the lives of business owners and end customers more comfortable.

As you can see, the areas where the solutions were implemented are absolutely different — which makes us think that there is nothing that can’t be improved. Let professionals take care of the tech so that you can focus on more important things, such as, for example, finding new revenue channels.

If you have any idea that needs high-quality implementation, you can work with PLAVNO — the team of professionals who stand behind the described projects.

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Vitaly Kovalev

Vitaly Kovalev

Sales Manager

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