Partnering with Plavno, Farma Kasik received an AI-powered Demend Forcasting solution that is able to forecast long-term product demand with 83% accuracy, has helped reduce cold storage cost by five times and, with 64% accuracy, predicts inventory utilization rate for each POS
Farma Kasik is a large family-owned vegetable production, supply and processing company from Czech Republic that prioritizes quality customer service and delivers the highest quality products in an increasingly competitive and unstable market. Farma Kasik owns over 400 hectares of farmland and ships over 10 million boxes of vegetables annually to 320 retail stores nationwide. Farma Kasik produces only organic produce without the use of pesticides, insecticides or chemical fertilizers
Challenges & solutions
Organic products are traditionally more expensive than products from large agro complexes that use chemical fertilizers to maximize yields. Recently, the ability of the Czech people to pay has decreased. People have started to buy cheaper products. This has affected the profits of Farma Kasik. In addition, there is a shortage of qualified employees for the agricultural sector on the market
We developed a solution that automatically analyzes data from various sources and provides analytical data and recommendations on such key indicators as sales frequency, sales volume, current selling price and competitor prices, revenue per sale, customer return rate, and margin per product. Plavno conducted a detailed analysis of current and historical data for more than 50 products and 490 product groups. Sales volume and revenue were analyzed by product, product group and customer, taking into account external influencing factors for detailed demand forecasting analysis
The company wanted to preoretize distribution and order fulfillment to maintain profits in the face of declining demand. Storage of perishable products is an expensive process. Storage facilities must be equipped with refrigeration units. And even with such storage, many vegetables spoil. For this reason, Farma Kasik wanted to move from warehousing to producing precise quantities of vegetables to order
With our solution, Farma Kasik is able to optimize supply chains and reduce inventory. With our solution, the accuracy of long-term forecasting reached 83%. The accuracy of predicting optimal inventory utilization rate for each POS reached 64%. The accuracy of predicting optimal delivery times, workflows, and fulfillment routes reached 72%. In addition, cold storage cost reduced by 5 times
Farming is a long, labor intensive and seasonal business. In addition, farmers are limited in terms of planting space. Therefore, Farma Kasik wanted to understand which vegetables should be planted at what time and in what quantities to maximize profits
In order to improve the accuracy of demand forecasting, we trained the system to take into account risk factors. In agriculture, risk factors include seasonality, vegetable shelf life, unstable food prices, weather, logistical risks, competitor activity, and rapidly changing taste preferences of the audience. As a result, Farma Kasik received a functional demand forecasting software, which allow to obtain real-time data on demand volumes, build long-term forecasts and make recommendations on the volumes and types of vegetables that should be planted to maximize profits
Agile methodology forms the cornerstone of our work philosophy. Through a seamless blend of innovative practices, including regular demos, comprehensive progress tracking, and a unique pay structure based on hours invested, we've constructed a workflow that ensures optimal outcomes and client satisfaction.
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Vitaly Kovalev
Sales Manager